I love L.L. Cool J. I can't help it, I really can't.
So, I'm back, again. I have tried posting a few times lately, but get so upset with my computer and slow uploads of pictures, I have walked away cussing each time.
I have decided to keep it short and sweet, and make a commitment: to post at least once a week, even if it's too short.
Barb, I love your meme (which I plan to steal) and your randoms thoughts, which I paln to copy!!!
I do have injuries that prevent or at least really slow down my knitting!!!
******WARNING******** the following picture is graphic and gross:
these injuries are well on the way to healing. I was walking down the drive-way just over a week ago holding Fletch (We were going down to "see what the worker guys did to our street") when I slipped and fell forward taking all the weight and momentum on my left (thank-you, thank-you, thank-you) hand. It was nasty and hurt worse than childbirth (I kid you not). Fletch started crying right away, but once he saw my hand and my face he stopped. He was so sweet and helpfull. I stayed on my back on the driveway for at least five minutes. Then slowly made my way up the stairs, across the porch and inside to my living room floor, taking breaks to muffle shouts and wimpers. Fletch got the phone for me and I called my sister who left work to clean my hand, pick out the pebbles and bandage me up. The whole time I was unbelievably whimpy. I'm not sure how she put up with it. She did though, patiently and sweetly - that's what sisters do.
I'm back to knitting now, still just a bit slowed down.
Fletch is asleep, Jim is out.
Tonight it's just me, the t.v., my knitting and Turkey day leftovers.
I was so excited, then I did this:
burned my yarn-tension fingers while heating up my dinner!!!!!!
This may be the night I look into continental knitting.
random thoughts and pictures:
Thanks to my MIL for being here this weekend. Having her around to knit with inspired me to get back to work on Fletcher's airplane sweater, and past my problem of getting my in-the-round sleeves joined and not looking TOO sloppy for words:
I still don't love this sweater, but, I still want to finish it. I want to get my first sweater behind me and I do love the airplane and FLY above it.
Kathy gave me some beautiful yarn and a pattern from her stash. I will start it soon - a new SKP! I will make it for myself! This is really very exciting because I never want to spend my yarn money on things for me, I always want to get things to make for others first, thank-you Kathy.
Just before I burned my fingers I finished a scarf for
my little (who is taller than me by lots) brother Matt.
This scarf was modeled after a scarf my Stepmom, MaryLee, bought from a friend.
Matt picked the colors and I got to work. Again I wasn't crazy about it as I was
working on it - I'm not real fond of the super bulky yarn.
Once I started sewing on the pockets I fell in love.
I think it will look awsome on Matt and hope he likes it as much as I do.
I'll post a picture of him wearing it soon.
I just have to mention how disapointed I was in the movie The Davinci Code.
I loved the book and hated the movie.
I think Fletcher is an amazing person. He makes me laugh all the time with his quirky humor.
During conversations - i love conversations with my three-almost-four-year-old- I am ofter struck dumb by the complexity of his thinking process.
I'm not trying to say I think he extra-ordinary in comparrison to other children. I mean he is extra-ordinary to me, but I just think children are amazing and he constantly reinforces that knowledge.
It's truly exciting.
And so, here are a few recent pictures of him:
These are from our two most recent outings
with our home-schooling group.
building a shelter:
trying out the shelter:
face-painting with rocks (this is from the week after halloween, he
was a SCARY GREEN VAMPIRE BAT and wears the costume at
least once a week):
inside a replica of an early native-american dwelling:
I think I am done for tonight. I am excited I took the time to contribute, and want to say thanks to you Barb for starting this blog and inspiring me each time I read your entries.
One last image:
This is what is left of our Thanksgiving pies and goodies I must, and will throw out first thing tommorow morning in order to stop eating them!!! I made the pumkin pies from scratch this year, it's the second time I've done it. There were very good, and I must say I make a mean crust. However, when I bit into my dad's apple pie, I realized I've still got alot to learn about crust-making. Nothing beats my dad's pies.
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